Setup and Configuration
The MODE command can be used to configure
communications (COM) port parameters and to
redirect parallel printer output to a COM port.
. You’ll need to add a
MODE COM command to your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file if:
• You will be using the DOS print command to
send data to the COMS.
• You will be using an application that does not
allow you to set the baud rate and word
structure of your COM port.
If you meet either of those conditions, add the
following command to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
MODE COM1:9600,N,8,1
(specifies asynchronous communications
parameters as 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits,
1 stop bit)
You’ll need to add a
MODE LPT command to your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file if:
• You will be using the DOS print command to
send data to the COMS and you do not want to
enter “COM1” or “COM2” at the PRINT-
command prompt (“list device [PRN]: ”).
• You will be using an application program that
does not allow you to select a COM port as your
print/list device.
If you meet either of those conditions, add the
following command to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
(redirects printer output from Parallel Printer
Port 1 to Communications Port 1)
NOTE: You must use the MODE COM command to
specify the asynchronous communications
mode before you can redirect parallel printer
output to the COM port with the MOD LPT
command. See your DOS manual for more
information on the MODE command.
2.5 Default Settings
The COMS hardware and LINKUP support
program should be shipped from the factory with
the following default configuration:
Code Operated Matrix Switch:
• 19,200 baud, 7 data, no parity, X-ON/X-OFF
flow control (all ports)
• attention string “@” (all ports)
• <break> sequences are ignored (for example, a
port’s link will not be broken on <break>)
• a user-set attention string remains if the COMS
is reset
• all ports can change port names and attention
• the COMS is in Normal Operation (not running
its internal self-test)
• DCD and RTS are not passed through between
linked ports
LINKUP Program:
• 19,200 baud, 7 data, no parity, flow control N/A
• attention string “@”
• COM Port #1
Use the DOS MODE COM command in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file to set your computer’s
defaults for baud rate and word structure for any
communication (COM) port.
2.6 Configuring the COMS, LINKUP, and DOS
The Code Operated Matrix Switch (COMS),
LINKUP Support Program, and DOS must all be
initially configured to use the same:
• PC COM port (for example, COM1)
• baud rate (for example, 9600)
• word structure:
• data bits (for example, 8)