CHAPTER 10: Using Management and Serial Control Cards
10.3 The Main On-Screen Menus
The Management Card’s on-screen display is made up of three main menus: the Serial Channel-List Menu, the
Administrator-Controls Menu, and the Open-Session Menu. To access the Serial Channel-List Menu, press
[Alt] + [M]. Press [Alt] + [Tab] to cycle through the remaining menus.
10.3.1 T
10.3.1.A Functions
This menu displays the name and ServSwitch Multi address of each server. The gray bar at the bottom lists all
options available from this menu. Use the [F11] key to scroll through them.
Press This Key...
...To Do This
], [
Move the highlight bar through the available channels and ports.
(up, down arrows)
Get context-sensitive help.
Configure the selected Serial Control Card port:
Baud rates: 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, or 1200;
Data bits: 7 or 8;
Stop bits: 1 or 2;
Parity: None, Even, or Odd;
Flow control: None, X-ON/X-OFF, or RTS/CTS.
Press Enter when configuration has been completed.
Switch to the highlighted channel.
See more available options.
Quickly edit the selected channel’s name or address.
[Alt] + [Tab]
Cycle through the available menus.
Remove the selected channel.
Add a new channel to your menu.
Bring up the Channel Setup menu. From here you can configure the selected
channel’s name and address.
[–] (keypad minus)
Sort the channel list by address. Brackets (“<>”) around the Address heading will
confirm that sorting by address is the active sort order.
[+] (keypad plus)
Sort the channel list by name. Brackets (“<>”) around the Name heading will
confirm that sorting by name is the active sort order.