Local Loop-Back (L/LB)
This switch will set the Flex Point T1/E1 converter in a loop-back mode on both the fiber
and copper connections. By turning the switch to the normal position, the unit will
resume to normal operation.
Loopback Enabled
Transmit/force 1’s to Fiber
This switch is used to insert an “all ones” pattern into the data stream being transmitted
out of the fiber port on the Flex Point T1/E1 converter. Data being received on the coax
or twisted pair will be disabled and data being received on the fiber is passed through to
the coax or twisted pair side. By returning the switch to the normal position, the unit will
resume to normal operation.
Transmit/force 1’s to Coax or UTP
This switch is used to insert an “all ones” pattern into the data stream being transmitted
out of the coax or twisted pair on the Flex Point T1/E1 converter. Data being received on
the fiber will be disabled and data being received on the coax or twisted pair is passed
through to the fiber side. By returning the switch to the normal position, the unit will
resume to normal operation.