Black Box Mixed-Media Fiber Hubs
Installation and User Guide (4/99)
3.0 LH8050A
Before installing the equipment, it is necessary to take the
following precautions:
If the equipment is mounted in an enclosed or multiple rack
assembly, the environmental temperature around the equipment must be
less than or equal to 50
If the equipment is mounted in an enclosed or multiple rack
assembly, adequate air flow must be maintained for proper and safe
If the equipment is mounted in an enclosed or multiple rack
system placement of the equipment must not overload or load unevenly
the rack system.
If the equipment is mounted in an enclosed or multiple rack
assembly, verify the equipment’s power requirements to prevent
overloading of the building/s electrical circuits.
If the equipment is mounted in an enclosed or multiple rack
assembly verify that the equipment has a reliable and uncompromised
earthing path.
This section describes installation of the Mixed-Media LH8050A Fiber Hub, as
well as connection of the various Ethernet media types.
Locating the LH8050A
The location of the LH8050A is dependent on the physical layout of the network and
the area to be served. The unit is typically rack mounted in a wiring closet but
because it has rubber feet it can also be installed on a shelf or table top. While stacks
of up to 3 units and the associated cabling can be accommodated on a shelf or table
top, it is recommended that larger stacks be rack mounted. Each unit is shipped with a
pair of metal "ears" that attach to each side of the unit to easily accommodate
mounting in standard 19" RETMA racks.
Connecting Ethernet Media
The Black Box LH8050A Mixed-Media Fiber Hub is specifically designed
to support all standard Ethernet media types within a single hub unit. This is
accomplished by using a family of Port Modules (PMs) which can be individually
selected and configured per-port. See Section 2.4 for a description of the PMs.
The various media types supported along with the corresponding IEEE 802.3 and
802.3u standards and connector types are as follows: