HS RS-232
For your convenience, the Converter has an externally accessible DCE/DTE
switch (see the diagram below). If the RS-232 device connected to the
Converter is a modem or multiplexor (or is wired like DCE), set the switch to
“DTE.” The setting causes the Converter to behave like Data Terminal
Equipment, transmitting data on RS-232 pin 2 and receiving data on pin 3.
If the RS-232 device connected to the Converter is a PC, terminal, or host
computer (or is wired like DTE), set the switch to “DCE.” This setting causes
the Converter to behave like Data Communications Equipment, transmitting
data on RS-232 pin 3 and receiving data on pin 2. Remember, the switch
setting is always from the point of view of the HS RS-232
Current Loop
Converter Active, not the connected equipment.
3.2 Setting the Active/Passive Switch
The active/passive switch is used to control the mode of the receiver; it has no
control over the transmitter since the transmitter is fixed in the active mode.
To configure your HS RS-232
Current Loop Converter Active receiver, you
first need to determine whether your device will be active or passive. If you are
going to use the HS RS-232
Current Loop Converter Active receiver to
provide current for the loop, set the switch to the “active” position. If the HS
Current Loop Converter Active is to be used in an active loop, set
the HS RS-232
Current Loop Converter Active receiver’s active/passive
switch to passive.