2. Select Local Intranet Zone in the Zone box.
3. Set the security level to Custom.
4. Click on the Settings… button.
5. Set the following options to Prompt or Enable:
• Run ActiveX controls and plugins.
• Initialize and script ActiveX controls marked as unsafe.
6. If you set these options to Prompt, security messages are reported. You
can safely ignore these messages when you use the Codec.
7. If you set these options to Enable, no security messages are reported.
However, enabling these options could compromise the security of
your PC when you read other web pages.
8. Click on OK.
Problem: When I try to use the Codec, security messages are reported.
Security messages are reported because the Codec uses ActiveX controls. You c
an safely ignore these messages.
Alternatively, you can prevent these security messages from being reported,
by changing your security options. However, changing these options could
compromise the security of your PC when you read other Web pages. To change
your security options on Internet Explorer:
1. Select the Internet Options menu item under View.
2. Select Local Intranet Zone in the Zone box.
3. Set the security level to Custom.
4. Click on the Settings… button.
5. Set the following options to Enable:
• Run ActiveX controls and plugins.
• Initialize and script Active X controls marked as unsafe.
6. Click on OK.