7. To exit Float Charging Mode, press the Charge button. STA N D B Y will display on the LCD and the unit will be in Standby
Mode (described at the end of this section). Then disconnect the AC cord and clamps, observing the “Important Safety
Instructions” at the front of this manual.
Engine Start
The Engine Start function can supply 110 amps for engine starting.
1 . Set up the unit as described in the “Setting Up the Unit” section.
2 . When the WELCOME message displays on the LCD, first press the Charge button on the control panel, then press the
Engine Start button.
3 . The LCD will show a 90-second count down (90 SECONDS), then READY T O S TA RT ENGINE will display.
4. Crank the engine using manufacturer’s guidelines, typically in 3 to 5 second bursts. The LCD displays STA RTING. The high
current engine starting function requires a resting/cooling period between tries. The charger will switch back to regular
charge Mode after 5 seconds and will not allow operation in this mode for 5 minutes.
5 . Wait 5 minutes before a second attempt at starting the engine, if needed. During this period, the LCD will show 2.3A
CHARGING. (The amperage is approximate; the unit is actually cooling down.) The unit is actually cooling down. If the
Engine Start button is pressed during this period, COOL DOWN WAIT 5 MINUTES will display. To crank engine again, repeat
steps 2 to 4.
6. After the engine starts, press the Charge button. STA N D B Y will display on the LCD and the unit will be in Standby Mode
(described at the end of this section). Then disconnect the AC cord and clamps, observing the “Important Safety
Instructions” at the front of this manual.
Reconditioning the Battery
Whenever a lead-acid battery begins to discharge, lead sulfate, an insulator, begins to build up on the battery ’s internal plates.
This reduces the ability of the battery to hold a full charge. When that battery has an immediate charge, most of the lead sulfate
is dissolved and the plates are free of this insulation. If a battery remains in a discharged condition over a longer period of time,
the lead sulfate changes to a hard crystalline form, making a full charge difficult to achieve. Reconditioning may “save” a
sulfated battery.
B a t t e ry Recondition Mode should only be used with 10 Amp Hour (Ah) or larger capacity lead-acid batteries. Charge the battery
to be treated for 20 minutes (as outlined in the “Charging the Battery” section), before using Recondition Mode. Observe the
Digital Display for any Fault Condition messages. This initial charge will check the battery for shorted cells, open cells or battery
too low to accept a charge, and to ensure the battery can take a charge.
Remove or disconnect the vehicle’s battery when reconditioning.
1 . When the WELCOME message displays on the LCD, press the Battery Recond. button on the Control Panel to start the
p r o c e s s .
2. RECONDITIONING BAT T E RY shows on the LCD display.
3. The process takes 24 hours and stops automatically. The display shows “RECONDITIONING CYCLE COMPLETED” when the
process is complete.
4. To turn off the unit, press the Recondition button again. STA N D B Y will display on the LCD and the unit will be in Standby
Mode (described at the end of this section). Then disconnect the AC cord and clamps, observing the “Important Safety
Instructions” at the front of this manual.
Alternator Check
Part 1
No Load
( Turn OFF all vehicle’s accessories): The battery must be fully charged before testing the alternator. Run the engine
long enough to achieve normal idle speed and verify there is a no-load voltage.
1 . Set up the unit as described in the “Setting Up the Unit” section.
2 . When the WELCOME message displays on the LCD, press the Alternator Check button on the Control Panel to start the
process. The LCD shows ALT E R N AT O R C H E C K .
3 . Once the unit has finished checking, the LCD will display either ALT E R N ATOR VOLTAGE GOOD or ALT E R N ATOR VOLTAGE BAD.
4. Press Alternator Check again to stop the test.
Part 2
Under Load
(Accessories ON): Next, load the alternator by turning on as many accessories as possible (except for A/C and
DEFROST) and repeat the above four steps.
After completing both alternator checks, turn the unit off by pressing the Alternator Check button again. STA N D B Y will display
on the LCD and the unit will be in Standby Mode (described at the end of this section). Then disconnect the AC cord and
clamps, observing the “Important Safety Instructions” at the front of this manual.
If the first alternator check indicates a good alternator and the second indicates the alternator is not good, the problem could
stem from: loose fan belts, an intermittent diode failure or possibly bad connections between the battery and alternator and/or
A LT E R N AT O R V O LTAGE BAD may display because someone has added a number of accessory loads on the charging system,
thereby increasing current demand from the alternator. MAKE SURE THAT THE ALT E R N ATOR IS RATED TO SUPPORT THE
A P P L I C AT I O N .
N o t e :
This check may not be accurate for every make, manufacturer and model of vehicle.
Check only 12 volt systems.
• Microprocessor control (Digital Smart Control)/High frequency power
• Compensates for low AC from extension cord use
Control Panel
Function Buttons
C h a r g e
analyzes the battery and starts the recharging process. If the battery is fully charged, this button will place the unit in
Float Charge Mode. Pressing this button a second time will place the unit in Standby Mode.
B a t t e ry Vo l t a g e
is a quick check that measures the battery voltage.
B a t t e ry Recondition
is an automatic mode that, once started, continues for 24 hours and then stops. A series of electrical
pulses breaks the crystalline form of lead sulfate to return these chemicals into useful battery electrolytes. More than 24 hours
may be needed to restore. Periodic reconditioning is recommended to maintain a battery's optimum performance. However, if 2
cycles does not improve battery performance, discontinue and recycle the battery.
Alternator Check
checks to determine that the alternator is keeping up with the electrical load.
Engine Start
places the charger in an engine start sequence.
Scrolling Message LCD Display
Scrolling Message LCD Display (LCD)
in the upper left of the control panel indicates the various conditions and/or status
messages as described in the Operating Instructions section that follows.
Setting Up the Unit
Ensure that all installation and operating instructions and safety precautions are understood and carefully followed by anyone
installing or using the charger. Follow the steps outlined in the “Important Safety Instructions” section of this manual.
After charger clamps are correctly connected, plug in the charger into a functioning 120 volt AC outlet. The Digital Display LCD
will show WELCOME, indicating that the unit is set up properly and ready to use.
N o t e :
The LCD displays No Battery Connected when the unit is turned on and there is no battery connected to the charger.
If there is a problem with the connections or battery, the LCD will display a Fault Condition message. Refer to the
“ Troubleshooting” section of this Instruction Manual and take the appropriate action.
Charging the Battery
1 . Set up the unit as described in the “Setting Up the Unit” section.
2 . When the WELCOME message displays on the LCD, press the Charge button on the Control Panel.
3 . Analyzing Battery will display on the LCD.
4 . When the unit is done analyzing the battery, it will begin the recharging process. The LCD will then display the charge rate
(for example: 10.8 A CHARGING).
5 . When the unit is fully charged, the LCD displays BAT T E RY FULLY CHARGED.
6 . Disconnect the AC cord and clamps.
N o t e :
Once the battery is fully charged, the unit will not automatically shut off. It will go into Float Charging Mode. You must
press the Charge button again. STA N D B Y will display on the LCD and the unit will be in Standby Mode (described at the
end of this section). Then disconnect the AC cord and clamps to shut the unit off. Observe the “Important Safety
Instructions” at the front of this manual when disconnecting.
Automatic Float Charging
Automatic Float Charging is ideal for maintaining a fully charged battery. It automatically tops off the battery as needed to keep
the battery fully charged all the time.
1 . Set up the unit as described in the “Setting Up the Unit” section.
2 . When the WELCOME message displays on the LCD, press the Charge button on the Control Panel.
3 . Analyzing Battery will display on the LCD. If the battery requires charging, the unit will automatically go into Charging Mode
as described in the previous section.
4 . After the LCD displays BAT T E RY F U L LY CHARGED, the unit will go into Float Charging Mode.
5 . Keep the AC power and battery connected after battery is fully charged.
6 . The charger monitors the battery and tops it off as needed.
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