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Connect a +/-15 V bipolar regulated power supply (such as the PS505 or PS800) to the board. Make sure that the
connector is properly
positioned on the header. Do not make the power connection to the board with the power supply
turned on. These measures will help avoid damage to the unit!
Use your DMM to monitor the +15V supply, using the left side of diode near the top of the power connector for common
and the right side for +15V.
Apply power. If your DMM does not indicate 15V or so, remove the power.
If +15 is present, check the -15 at the right side of the bottom diode under the power connector.
Check the ICs carefully to see if any are hot (they should not be). Are there any funny smells? If anything seems amiss,
remove the power.
No further calibration is necessary.
Repair, Warranty
Most problems are caused by assembly errors.
Don’t panic!
Take a break, then check solder joints for good connection (no “cold” joints?), check for a blob of solder causing a short,
check all component locations and polarities, and check for the possibility of a broken trace or a hairline short caused by
under etching of the PCB, especially around the pots.
If you encounter problems that you can’t solve, contact us, preferably via e-mail with a description of the problem. Let us
know what does and does not work. We can then help you get your module working. We can also fix modules mailed to us
for a minimum fee of $29 (if not covered by warranty).
Contact us for an RMA before shipping.
The parts contained in this unit have been carefully selected and tested. They are guaranteed for one year from the date of
purchase. If you believe that you have a defective part (or if you have a part missing), contact us so we can provide you
with a replacement or repair. Include your name and invoice number.
Store your Manual in a secure location and never, ever throw it away! It is the best information available for your revision
of this module.
Manuals must be transferred to the new owner anytime you sell a module.
We reserve the right to void the warranty or refuse to service any module that has been built with parts not supplied by
us, modified in any way, subjected to abuse, or damaged beyond repair.
Assembly Documents
• Parts list
• Schematic
• PCB drawing