BK Technologies
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Other Options and Functions
Many operational features and functions can be programmed for user
selection and control. Items can be programmed to the radio buttons
or switches. In addition to these quick set buttons, a menu of multiple
functions can be accessed with a “MENU” button.
Backlight [LITE]
Conventional and Trunked Channels
Backlight on/off control can be assigned to a switch, button or as a
menu item. In addition, backlighting may be programmed with the PC
Radio Editor to illuminate when any key is pressed.
Battery Life [LIFE]
Conventional and Trunked Channels
Battery Life information includes:
% battery capacity available until depletion
The full capacity of the battery
Estimated time left before depletion
Bluetooth [BT]
Conventional and Trunking Channels
The radio can be connected to approved bluetooth devices.
Bluetooth options include:
- Toggles bluetooth on/off.
- Toggles the radio's bluetooth discoverable state on/off
My Devices
- Lists current and previously used bluetooth devices.
Scan for Devices
- Scans for discoverable bluetooth devices.
This Device Info
- Display's the radio's name and MAC address.
Busy Channel Operation
Conventional Channels
The radio can be programmed for different behavior when a
conventional channel is busy.
How the radio reacts to a busy channel is programmed with the
following operation options only accessible in the PC Radio Editor:
- No busy channel transmit limiting will occur.
- This setting will display "Busy" momentarily and an alert