Data File
The 4050B can recall the data files in “*.csv” or “*.dat” format from the external memory and
transfer them into “*.bin” format then store them in the internal memory. When it is done, the
generator will enter the arbitrary waveform interface automatically.
In addition, users can edit arbitrary waveforms with PC software — EasyWave, download them
to the internal memory through remote interface and store them (“*.bin” format) in the
internal memory.
Save the Instrument State
Users can store the current instrument state in internal and external memories. The storage will
save the selected function (including the basic waveform parameters, modulation parameters
and other utility settings used.)
To save the instrument state, the procedures are given as followed:
Selecting a file type to store.
Press Store/Recall → File Type → State, and choose state as the storage type.
Selecting the location of a file.
Choose a desired location by rotating the knob.
Naming a file.
Press Save, to enter the following interface.