3.3 REMOTE mode
This is not an operating mode; it is another method of controlling the Model 4017B, through the RS232 interface. By using the
mode, every aspect of the unit can be controlled using a terminal without having to turn or press the front panel buttons.
mode is active, the front panel controls will be disabled, and the terminal will have the full control.
mode is implemented through RS232 interface by using 9600 BPS fixed communication speed, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no
mode engaged will be indicated by displaying the word “Remote” on the second line of the LCD display and by the sending
of a message to the remote terminal through interface.
mode disengaged will be indicated by returning the LCD display to the displaying mode without the word “Remote” on the
second line of display. A message will be sent to the terminal through interface and the front panel controls will be enabled.
3.3.1 Brief command description.
Commands type:
Type I:
Commands for engaging/disengaging
Type II:
Commands for determining information regarding the unit.
Type III:
Commands for setting mode and parameters.
Type IV: Commands for loading/saving the default mode loaded at power-up.
Type V:
Commands for aborting/forcing command execution.
For every command, the unit returns a specific message regarding the type in case of success. Failing to process a command will return
specific error messages to the terminal. For full description of the commands see section 3.3.2.
The type I command
is used for engaging and disengaging the
mode. Without giving the command for engaging remote
mode, the unit will not accept commands of III and IV type. These commands will also enable/disable the front panel controls.
The type II command
is used for finding information regarding the unit, i.e.: model, software version, hardware version, serial number,
and whether or not unit is connected. These commands can be sent without
mode being active.
The type III command
is used for a complete setting of the operating mode and its associated parameters. The implemented commands
can emulate every front panel control. These commands are processed only if unit is in
The type IV command
is used for saving/loading the current configuration, saved configuration on/from a non-volatile location,
configuration loaded at power-up. These commands are processed only if unit is in
The type V command
is used for aborting the current command execution or to force evaluation of the value sent to the unit in the case
of type III command. These commands are processed even if unit is not in
3.3.2 Commands
General rules
All commands are implemented using hex ASCII characters “0” to “9” and “A” to “F”. Sending other characters will abort processing,
the characters received will be discarded and a specific error message will be sent to the terminal.
Characters within a command can be sent with a maximum 4-second timeout. Failing to send a character within this time will abort the
process, the characters received will be discarded and a specific error message will be sent to the terminal.
There are commands that do not transfer a parameter’s values and commands that send a parameter’s values through interface. There
are rules when you transfer values. You can send a value using a combination of a maximum 10 ASCII characters. After 10 characters
are received or are exceeding the 4-second timeout, the unit will start processing the value.
The processing can be forced by issuing the character