GLP printer driver
The license agreement for the installation and the operation of the GLP printer driver
appears. Read the license conditions carefully. You can print the license agreements.
Before you continue with the installation, you must agree and accept the terms of the
license conditions.
After confirmation of the license conditions a selection page appears:
In the 32-bit setup you can select between a complete and user-defined installation.
For the user-defined installation a path can be adapted.
In the 64-bit setup you can directly chose the components you wish to install and
adjust the installation path.
Support for Profibus is only available under Microsoft Windows 2000
(Professional Server), XP and 2003 server (32 bit each) and are not
available otherwise!
By confirming the selected modules or the installation type you are requested to confirm
the installation again. Installation then starts.
Starting with version 4.00 the printer and USB drivers are digitally signed. However, you
need to confirm the installation of these drivers explicitly during installation. The printer
drivers are absolutely necessary for a smooth operation. The USB drivers are optionally.
If you install the USB drivers, an information screen appears saying that from then on a
GLP printer can be connected via USB.
When the installation is completed, the software is ready for operation.
Step 2: USB driver
If the USB support has been selected during setup, the preconditions for the operation of
a GLP printer are being created. The following steps are required for the operation:
These steps depend on the Windows operating system.
Automatic installation of USB driver
Turn the GLP printer on and wait until the printer is initialized.
Connect the GLP printer via USB cable to the PC.
Windows identifies that a new device has been connected and installs the matching
driver “Bizerba Gx USB”.