Ver. 1.00
1-7 Recommended Papers
- Iconex
Classic: 9023-1253, 9023-1232(80mm), 9023-1823, 9023-1397(58mm),
9023-1233, 9023-1818(40mm)
Classic High Tack: 9023-1254(80mm), 9023-1500(58mm), 9023-1258(40mm)
Classic High Temp: 9023-1267, 9023-1463 (80mm), 9023-1269(40mm)
Ultralite: 9023-1866(80mm), 9023-1410(58mm), 9023-1865(40mm)
Classic High Tack Plus: 9023-1846(80mm)
Linerless Extreme(Snag Resistant): 9023-1873, 9023-1708(40mm)
Linerless Extreme(Freshness Labeling): 9016-3227, 9016-3777, 9016-3257(40mm)
- MAXStick
2GO: MS2142402GO3S(58mm), MS3182402GO4S(80mm)
PLUSD: MS1732290PLUSD HVHR(40mm), MS214170PLUSD(58mm),
MS318170PLUSD(80mm), MS3183752GOPLUSD(80mm)
X2: MS11732270X2HRHT(40mm), MS214150X2(58mm)
- StickyPOS
40MMRL90-9000(40mm), 2CR-11 58X350(58mm) 2CR-11 80X350(80mm)
- Sato
Restick: 585006411(80mm)
Linerless Extreme: 585006451(80mm)
- Blumberg
Linerless Extreme: A11649(58mm), A12978(80mm)
- Use of papers other than those recommended above may
damage TPH or degrade the printing quality and our
company Is not responsible for the damage caused by
non-recommended papers.
- If you have to use other products, we recommend that you
Use papers with a similar level of quality to the recommended