v. 3.0
Reference guide
Compressor Control Module CM-RC-01
41 / 44
If the unit is started in normal operation mode the green LED will be constant ON.
If the unit is started in Service mode the green LED will be flashing slowly with a short on
If the unit is started in Production mode the green LED will be flashing slowly with a long
on period.
Slow flashing patterns in normal operation mode:
Yellow LED is flashing: Warning or critical is active.
Red LED is flashing: Fault is active (It is possible to start the motor again when the fault
condition disappears AND the fault has been reset).
The faster and the longer an LED flashes the more severe the alarm
Fast flashing of any of the 3 LEDs means that a fault has occurred and it can only be reset via
external reset (digital input or serial communication) or only by a power cycle in some
situation. In such a situation it may be a good idea to take a note about the flashing pattern
since this could help to locate the problem.
Alarms: Warnings, criticals and faults may be present at the same time. If a warning and a
critical both are present only critical will be shown on LEDs as this is more severe than
warning. Any of the fault flashing patterns may also be combined with either a warning or a
= Constant on
= Constant off
= Fast flash (2 Hz) and long on period
= Fast flash (2 Hz) and medium on
= Slow flash (0.5 Hz) and long on period
= Slow flash (0.5 Hz) and medium on
= Slow flash (0.5 Hz) and short on
An empty field indicates any other combination might be possible.
Operation Mode
Normal operation
Service mode
Test mode (reserved for future use)
Production mode
Alarms (warning,critical,fault)
Warn/Crit Fault
No Warning, Critical or fault
Warning Active
Critical Active (warning may also be active)
Fault (auto resume reset type)
Fault (Timed reset)
Fault (Extern reset)