Thank you for purchase of our product.
This operating manual is the guidebook to provide instructions
on how to use your buoyancy compensator (B.C.), NELEUS,
for recreational diving.
We believe this manual is useful in mastering technology of a
B.C. for people who have learned the right usage of a B.C.and
obtained a C-card through proper training at a diving
instruction organization as well as people who use it at C-card
training. Please carefully read and digest the contents of this
manual before use. We also suggest that you take this manual
with you to refer to before diving.
Keep this manual in a safe place. If you lose it, contact your
original dealer or authorized distributor of our company. A
replacement manual will be reissued later.
The main contents consist of assembly of B.C., setting to a
tank, the check before use, usage, care after use, storage, and
a periodic inspection.
B.C. NELEUS is diving gear to use in combination with a
regulator for recreational diving. Therefore, the knowledge of
the right handling of regulator is also necessary. Please use
the operating manual of the regulator which you use as well as
this manual of NELEUS.
In addition, depending on the model of regulator, it is
considered not being suitable for the use by the combination
with this product. We recommend you use by the combination
with the regulator made by Bism.
We are constantly researching and improving our B.C., and so
the product you purchased may differ in certain details from the
one described in this manual. If you have any queries
regarding your B.C. or the information contained in this
manual, please feel free to contact our company at the address
5F, 3-6-18, Higashinihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0004 Japan
Phone: +81-3-5640-8126 Fax: +81-3-5640-8131
E-mail: [email protected]
URL: http://www.bism.co.jp
Important Information
Special Features & Specifications
Name of parts
Before Setting to a Tank
Setting to a Tank
Installation of B. C. Hose
Basic Operation of Air Supply
Exhaust & Actuation Check
Put on
Take off
Basic Usage
How to Use a Weight Pocket
2 Way Inflator
Adjustment of F.T.A. (Front Tightening Adjuster)
Remove a B. C. from a Tank
Wash & dry
Storage, Periodic Inspection & Service after the Sales
Danger indicate a great risk of death or serious
injury from improper use.
Warning indicate a risk of death or serious injury
from improper use..
Caution indicate a risk of minor injury or damage to
property from improper use.
Useful Information to know.
Key to Symbols Used in this Manual