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Tortoise Lift (NSC series) lifts up Drive-on Plates with Double Scissors Link,using
Hydraulic Cylinder worked by Electric Hydraulic Pump.
Both sides of Drive-on Plates synchronize in going up and down as they are
connected by Synchronizing Bar.
(Lifting System)
(Lowering System)
When pushing "UP" button, Motor works. Pump rotates and sends oil into Cylinders.
When releasing the button, motor stops. Check Valves prevent oil from coming
back from Cylinders. And Cylinders stay at that height level.
When pushing "DOWN" button, Air Switching Valve works. The Air Switching Valve
sends air into Hook Releasing Cylinders, and the Cylinders release Lowering Stop
When both sides of Lowering Stop Hooks are completely released, Limit Switch for
Hook Release Sensing electrifies Lowring Valve.
The Lowering Valve opens therefore and Cylinders start lowering.
- To lower Drive-on Plates in case of emergency (ex. a power cut) -
Pull out Hook Releasing Cylinder by hand. Keeping Hooks released, loosen slowly
Control Lowering Valve with L-shape hook which was supplied.
Limit switch for Hook Release Sensing