42 | 6. Tweaker Menu
Options: Auto (Default)
Rank Interleave
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Enhanced Interleave
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
ODT Delay Duration Configuration
ODT Read Duration
This item allows you to controls the length of the ODT pulse for read commands. Default is 6
DCLK cycles (BL / 2 +2)
Options: Auto (Default)
ODT Read Delay
This item allows you to controls delay from RD-CAS to ODT assertion in DCLK cycles.
Options: Auto (Default)
OODT Write Duration
This item allows you to controls the length of the ODT pulse for write commands. Default is 6
DCLK cycyles(BL / 2 +2)
Options: Auto (Default)
ODT Write Duration
This item allows you to controls delay from WR-CAS to ODT assertion in DCLK cycles
Options: Auto (Default)