5. Security Menu | 25
A68N-2100E / A68N-2100K / A68N-2100X / A68N-5600E
Secure Boot
Secure Boot can be enabled if 1.System running in User mode with enrolled Platform key(PK)
2.CSM functin is disabled
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Key Management
Delete All Secure Boot Variables
Force System to setup Mode - clear all Secure Boot Variables (PK, KEK, db, dbx and dbt). Change
takes effect after reboot.
Platform Key (PK)
Options: Delete PK / Set new PK
Key Exchange Keys (KEK)
Options: Delete KEK / Set new KEK / Append KEK
Authorized Signatures
Options: Delete DB / Set new DB / Append DB
Forbidden Signatures
Options: Delete DBX / Set new DBX / Append DBX
Authorized Timestamps
Options: Set new DBT / Append DBT