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Adding New Users
There are four user groups that a person can be put in, these are listed below:
Someone in this group can operate, start and stop a pre-
programmed cycle, transfer a cycle; otherwise has only
viewing rights.
Someone in this group can do as per OPERATORS and,
change to another cycle, program in a new cycle and edit
cycle parameters.
ADMINISTRATORS Someone in this group can do as per SUPERVISORS and, in
addition, has access to the System Administration screen
enabling them to alter the time and date, screen
management and system information, as well as manage the
passwords; this includes setting-up new users, re-setting
passwords, and assigning user groups to the user.
As per ADMINISTRATORS but also has access to the System
Engineering screen as well as able to edit the machine set-
up. Only Bioquell or Bioquell Agents ought to have this level
password as the unit could be damaged if some parameters
are changed.
People in this group have no access to the unit. People can
be moved into this group if their access to the unit is no
longer allowed.
Only persons with ADMINISTRATOR or above rights can enter new users.
Note: The password must be a minimum of three characters long.
Changing Passwords
Press on the password to change and a dialog box will display requesting the new
password and confirmation.
Deleting Users
A User can only be deleted by ADMINISTRATORS. This is done by deleting the
person’s name in the keyboard edit screen.