Not for
Maintenance Procedures
5. If left drive wheel rotates forward, rotate the neu-
tral plate clockwise.
If left drive wheel rotates backward, rotate the
neutral plate counterclockwise.
If right drive wheel rotates forward, rotate the neu-
tral plate counterclockwise.
If right drive wheel rotates backward, rotate the
neutral plate clockwise.
6. Only very small adjustments are necessary to set
neutral center.
7. Tighten cap screw.
8. Check motion controls to ensure they return to
the neutral position.
9. Mount the machine. Start engine. Idle engine.
10. Release parking brake.
11. Cycle motion controls forward and back. Return
them to NEUTRAL position.
12. Observe both drive wheels for rotation. Stop en-
gine. Engage parking brake. If either wheel ro-
tates, repeat adjustment procedure until neutral
is obtained.
13. If both wheels return to neutral and stop, lower