Copyright 2017 Big John Grills & Rotisseries
1. Follow Set-Up Instructions on Page 5 of this Manual, then follow instructions below.
2. Place the rotisserie frame on top of the grill body without spit.
3. Place one support bar clamp (shaped like a dog bone) on the spit and side the clamp all the way to
the end of the bar.
4. Place a skewer with prongs facing inward on spit and slide down to clamp.
5. Insert the point end of the spit through the center of the length of meat. Before proceeding, make
sure the meat is balanced on the spit.
6. When meat is balanced, place the 2nd skewer on the spit and secure into meat, followed by 2nd
support bar clamp.
7. Install support bar through support bar clamps and tighten.
8. Move support bar, clamps, and skewers as needed on the spit to center meat between the rotisserie
height adjustment posts.
9. Tighten all of the thumb screws on the stainless steel hardware. As the meat cooks, shrinkage oc-
curs so the skewers and support bar clamps may need to be adjusted to hold the meat firmly.
10. When charcoal is ready, remove the chain guard by loosening the wing nut. Place the rotisserie spit
with the meat centered on the frame with the pointed end in the point protector end mount and the
other end with the sprocket in the motor end mount.
11. Use WD-40 to lubricate the 2 spots where the point end joins the point end mount and where the
other end meets the motor end mount.
12. Loosen the aluminum knob (locking washer must be in place) on the adjustable motor mount so the
chain slips over both of the drive sockets. Adjust the slide action so that the chain is taut.
13. Retighten the aluminum knob and install chain guard properly. DO NOT OPERATE ROTISSERIE
14. Plug in the motor using a UL approved, type 3, outdoor extension cord and approved outdoor electri-
cal outlet.
15. Turn the motor on and remove the hot coal covers to begin cooking.
16. Add 10-15 lbs. of charcoal each hour while the grill is in use to maintain temperature
17. When meat is cooked, place hot coal covers over the charcoal and carve the meat directly from the
spit, or remove the meat from the spit and take it to a carving table.
18. After the coals are cold, crumble the aluminum foil with ash inside and dispose of it in an approved