Copyright 2017 Big John Grills & Rotisseries
This unit ships 90% assembled and we make sure the instructions for the rest are easy to follow and
perform. Please follow the instructions below to ensure your grill is properly assembled for safe
operation and remember this is a commercial piece of equipment and therefore the materials used to
build it are of the best quality.
1. Unbox grill and remove all packaging materials, tape, and plastic coverings. Leave grill top banded
to firebox.
2. Turn grill firebox upside down so leg sockets are on top.
3. Screw legs firmly into the sockets on the bottom of the firebox.
4. IF YOU PURCHASED WHEEL LOCKS, follow these instructions for attaching them.
a. You will need a 9/16” Wrench & a 1/2” Wrench to complete the installation
b. Disassemble current casters by taking off nut and pulling old bolt out (discard old bolt)
c. Put new caster brake on yoke by inserting the tab on the brake into the slot on the side
fork of the yoke while lining up the slotted hole with the bolt hole on yoke. The shoe of
the brake will be on the inside of the yoke near the top.
d. Put wheel between forks of yoke and insert the new, longer bolt from the kit with the
taps facing outward away from the wheel with the “ON/OFF” symbols facing upward.
e. Attached the nylon lock nut to the bolt and tighten. Do not over tighten or wheel will not
f. Screw wheel into leg of grill.
5. Flip grill upright and secure wheels so they will not move. Cut the banding and remove the grill top.
6. Unbox rotisserie and remove all packaging.
7. Rotate the motor end mount and point protector end mount 180° degrees so they are facing out
8. Adjust both end mouths to the lowest height setting and secure with stainless steel pins.
9. Carefully lift rotisserie frame, with spit removed, and place it on charcoal firebox ensuring both grill
and rotisserie frame fit together securely.
Place this into slot on side
of yoke
Shoe of Brake
Longer Bolt