631 285 2298
Congratulations On Your Purchase & Thank You For Choosing Big Cat ®
This manual is only a guide to assist you. This Guide is not a complete or comprehensive manual of
all aspects of maintaining and repairing your Big Cat ® Electric bicycle. The bicycle you have purchased is a
complex vehicle. We highly recommend that you consult a local bicycle repair specialist if you have doubts or
concerns as to your experience or ability to properly assemble, repair, or maintain your Big Cat ® Electric
Big Cat ®
Is Committed To Providing
Excellent Customer Service
. If You Have Any
Questions About Your Bicycle Regarding; Charging, Battery, Assembly, Warranty, Features
Or You Have Comments, Please Contact Us At 1 631 285 2298
Monday - Friday 9:30AM - 4:00PM (Eastern Time)
Here at Big Cat ® we are advocates for better bicycle safety across America. For your own Safety please read the
following before riding. Thank You.
• Although the components on your Big Cat ® Electric Bicycle are
waterproof, we highly recommend avoid riding in wet weather
• when cornering, decrease your speed
• always wear a helmet!
• we do not recommend anyone under 16 years of age to ride
• check tire pressure regularly
• always check quick release on seat, and or wheel hubs to ensure
they are tightly secure
• Do not tamper or modify the battery or electrical system in any
way, as this can be hazardous and void your warranty.
• when riding downhill, always decrease your speed and brake early
• when riding at night use reflective apparel
• use your lights, and add reflectors to your bicycle for night riding
• follow your state and local laws when on public roads or highways
• Take your charger with you when possible to ensure you always have
a charge
• do no charge battery more than 6 hours
• only shift while riding, never in stand still, this will avoid damage to
your derailleur
• do not perform stunts on Your Big Cat ® Electric Bicycle, it was not
designed for this