December 2019
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Section 6: Local Controls
Local Controls
Local Controls: OPEN/YES, CLOSE/NO, and STOP push-buttons.
The STOP push-button resets any existing command and is active both in local and
If the 3-position selector is in LOCAL, the OPEN / YES, and CLOSE /NO pushbuttons work as
OPEN and CLOSE commands.
If the 3-position selector is in REMOTE or in OFF, the OPEN / YES and CLOSE / NO
pushbuttons work as YES and NO to answer prompts (next? OK? view?, change? exit?)
shown on the alphanumeric display.
In OFF, the OPEN / YES and CLOSE / NO push-buttons allow the user to scroll through
the menu, to view and change the actuator configuration, or to scroll through the list of
variables, status, and alarms.
In REMOTE, the OPEN / YES and CLOSE / NO push-buttons allow the list of variables,
status, alarms and reports to be scrolled through but the actuator configuration cannot
be viewed or changed.
Table 10.
Description of Variables and Reports
The warning condition occurs when a variable reaches a critical value and/or a
maintenance action is required, but the actuator control functions are still available.
The alarm condition occurs when a variable moves out of its acceptable range and thus
causes the actuator control functions to become unavailable.
Output torque in % of the nominal torque stated in the NAMEPLATE menu
Motor speed
RPM of electrical motor
Main voltage
Voltage (V) and frequency (Hz) of mains
Current (A) absorbed by the motor
Temperature (°C), inside the electronic compartment
Present time
Present date
List of present alarms (see Section12.11, Diagnostic Messages)
List of present warnings (see Section 12.11, Diagnostic Messages)
Temperature factor
Mot temp
Temperature (°C) of the electrical motor
Term temp
Temperature (°C) inside the terminal board compartment
Log status
Data logger status (off, ready, in progress: E: event number - number of
memory cycle or R: sample number - number of memory cycle)
Wireless report
Bluetooth interface status (ready, not ready)
Node report
Report of bus interface card (only present if the bus card is present;
refer to the relevant instruction manual)
FDI report
Report of FDI function (only present if the LonWorks bus card is present;
refer to the relevant instruction manual)
Base report
Base card report
- card code
- manufacturing week and year
- electrical diagram, etc.
Term report
Terminal board card report
- card code
- manufacturing week and year
- electrical diagram, etc.
Ain/Aout report
Ain/Aout card report (only present if the card is present)
- card code
- manufacturing week and year
- electrical diagram, etc.