The commissioning of this boiler and system
must only be undertaken by a professionally
qualified person in accordance with the re-
quirements of the Gas Safety Installation and
Use Regulations and be approved by
Ensure that the Benchmark Log Book is satis-
factorily completed during the commissioning
process. The Log Book is located at the end of
this manual. This manual should be handed to
the User following completion of the installa-
tion and commissioning process. Failure to
comply with these requirements may invali-
date the manufacturers guarantee.
For Ireland (IE), it is necessary to complete a
“Declaration of Conformity” to indicate com-
pliance to I.S.813.2002.
Electrical installation
Preliminary electrical system checks to ensure
electrical safety shall be carried out by a compet-
ent person. i.e. polarity, earth continuity, resis-
tance to earth and short circuit.
If a fault has occurred on the appliance the fault find-
ing procedure should be followed as specified in the
service manual.
Gas supply installation
1 Inspect the entire installation including the gas
meter, test for tightness and purge, all as de-
scribed in BS 6891;
For Ireland (IE), refer to I.S.813.2002.
2 Open the gas cock 12 (Fig. 7.1) on the
appliance and check the gas connector on the
appliance for leaks.
Open position
Fig. 7.1
Initial filling of the system
1 Open the c.h. flow and return valves.
2 Remove the front panel of the case (see the
section 9.2 in this manual.
3 Unscrew the cap on the automatic air purger
valve 16 (Fig. 7.2) one full turn and leave open
4 Gradually open stopcock at the filling point
connection to the c.h. system until water is
heard to flow; do not open fully.
Fig. 7.2
5 Open each radiator air vent starting at the
lowest point of the system and close it only
when clear water, free of bubbles, flows out.
6 Purge the air from the pump by unscrewing the
pump plug 18 (Fig. 7.2); release the pump
shaft by turning in the direction indicated by
the arrow on the information plate.
7 Replace the pump plug.
8 Continue filling the system. The actual reading
should ideally be 1,3 bar and not less than 0,3
9 Close all air release valves on the c.h. system.
10 Inspect the boiler and the system for water
soundness and remedy any leaks discovered.
11 Cold flush the system to remove any loose par-
ticles and any system debris before starting the
boiler for the first time
The flushing procedure must be in line with
Treatment of Water in d.h.w. c.h. Sys-
When the installation and second filling are
completed turn on the c.h. system and run it
until the temperature has reached the boiler
operating temperature. The system must then
be immediately flushed through.