15. Commissioning Cont.
Checking the burner ignition:
Turn the boiler OFF.
Open the gas valve outlet pressure test point
15 (fi gure 15.5) and connect the gauge.
Turn the boiler ON positioning the function
selector B in the position shown in fi gure
15.7 and ensure that the room thermostat
is set to “heat demand”.
Figure 15.7
Loosen screws D and remove the service
panel (fi gure 15.8).
Figure 15.8
Watch the gauge and check to see if the
ignition pressure registerd corresponds
to the values given in the Technical Data.
Turn off the boiler and reignite it by turning
the function selector B to the 0 position and
then back to that indicated in fi gure 15.7.
Repeat this process two to three times
leaving 30 second intervals between each
ignition. Check the ignition pressures and
visually check that the burner lights uni-
formly and in a controlled manner.
To carry out the adjustment move the
function selector 3 to the OFF position
(Fig. 15.9) and use the device (ACC).
Figure 15.9
Adjust the gas pressure at the injectors to
the value indicated in the tables of section
2. By rotating the device clockwise the
pressure increases.
After the adjustment operations bring the
selector 3 of fi gure 15.9 back to the nor-
mal position (ON).
Reassemble the service panel.
Close the gas valve outlet pressure test
point 15 (fi gure 15.5).
Reassemble the front pannel of the case.
Important: after the checks all of the test
points must be sealed.
Adjustment of the useful c.h. output:
Turn the boiler OFF.
Open the gas valve outlet pressure test point 15 (fi gure 15.5) and connect the gauge.
Turn the boiler ON positioning the function selector B in the position shown in fi gure 15.7
and ensure that the room thermostat is set to “heat demand”.
Loosen screws D and remove the service panel (fi gure 15.8).
To carry out the adjustment use the adjustment device (RISC) with the help of a screwdriver.
By rotating the device clockwise the pressure increases.
Adjust the gas pressure at the burner to the value according to the useful c.h. output wanted (Tab. 15.1).
Reassemble the service panel.
Close the gas valve outlet pressure test point 15 (fi gure 15.5).
Reassemble the front pannel of the case.