15. Commissioning Cont.
The boiler will now go through an ignition sequence and the burner will light.
If during the ignition attempt period the boiler fails to light, the full sequence control p.c.b. will
go to lockout and the lock-out signal lamp E will appear.
To reset the boiler turn the knob C (fi gure 15.3) on the 0 position and then press and release
the boiler reset button D (Fig. 15.3).
Checking the gas pressure at the burner:
This boiler has been tested to the highest quality control standards.
The maximum and minimum gas pressures are already set during this quality control
process however the checking procedure must be followed to ensure maximum operat-
ing effi ciency from the boiler.
Remove the front panel of the case.
Take off the lid of the sealed chamber.
Loosen the internal screw 15 (Figure 15.4)
on the Outlet Pressure Test Point of the Gas
Valve and connect a pressure gauge using
a suitable hose.
Figure 15.4
Set the c.h. temperature control knob to its
maximum position. If external controls are
fi tted (e.g. room thermostat) ensure they
“call for heat”.
Switch on the boiler.
Check the maximum gas pressure and com-
pare the value on the gauge with the value
indicated in the Section 2 on page 10 (gas
pressures at the burner).
Check the maximum gas fl ow at the gas
meter and compare the value indicated in
the section 2 on page 10 (gas fl ow rate).
Switch off the boiler.
Disconnect the gas modulator coil by remov-
ing the electrical connector E (Figure 15.4).
Switch on the boiler.
Check the minimum gas pressure and com-
pare the value on the gauge with the value
indicated in the Section 2 on page 10 (gas
pressures at the burner).
Switch off the boiler and re-connect the
electrical connector E to the modulator coil.
Switch on the boiler.
Check that the boiler lights up uniformly.
Switch off the boiler, turn off the hot water
taps and disconnect the pressure gauge.
Close the lid of the sealed chamber.
Important: after the checks all of the test
points must be sealed.