Fig. 8
Make sure that the machine is fully disconnected and all mo-
ving parts are secured before performing any maintenance/re-
pair work on the machine.
7.1 Regular maintenance
Make maintenance a regular part of daily operation. The daily mainte-
nance routine needs to include:
• Cleaning of the machine and clearing of all parts from residual wood
debris, chips, dust, bark pieces and eventual other waste
• Greasing of the sliding pads of the push-block
• Hydraulic oil check and (in case of leakage) hydraulic hose and fi t-
tings check-up to detect eventual oil leaks. (To do so, you fi rst need to
dismount the rear panel of the steel casing, see fi gure „Oil change“)
• Lubrication of all moving parts.
7.2 Hydraulic oil
Periodically check the oil level inside the hydraulic oil tank. When do-
ing so, accurately avoid contaminating the tank with dirt, wood chips,
sow dust etc...
Make sure that the splitter never runs without oil or with a low oil le-
vel. When this happens, air is likely to reach inside the hydraulic loop.
Failure to maintain due oil level may cause poor running and irregular
splitter operation (very rough, jerky motions) as well as major pump
Please schedule your fi rst oil change after approximately 25-30 opera-
tion hours and later ones after each 50 operation hours or once a
The oil drain plug is located on the bottom tank side while the fi ller
cap is on the rear side of the splitter (Figure 8, Position 5).
Recommended oil types:
DEA HD B 46, Shell Tellus 10-46, Esso Nuto H 46
When changing oil, never let used oil drop down on the ground,
rather collect whole of it in a sealed container for due disposal. Oil dis-
posal containers should be of at least 30 l capacity. If you are using
smaller containers, make sure to drain the tank in more than one
round to avoid spilling old oil out on the ground.
Used oil is very polluting and should be disposed in accordance with
local rules!
After refi lling the tank with new oil, let the splitter cycle three or four
times and let the air blow out of the hydraulic loop before closing the