You will need to do the following to get the unit cycling properly
1. Fill the mixing chamber 3/4 full with waste items per instructions.
*Though it is important to maintain 30:1 carbon to nitrogen ration*
2. The mixing chamber should be filled to maintain 30:1 carbon to
nitrogen ratio. This helps start the composting process and helps
prevent items from falling into the cure tray. If you do not have a good
mixture of brown items and your compost is very wet, you will need to
fill the cure tray with saw dust pellets to simulate compost curing in the
lower tray. After the first batch and transfer, you should not have to use
saw dust pellets.
3. If the cure tray is full, there will be no more room for un-composted
items to fall from the mixing chamber to the lower cure tray and the
items in the mixing chamber will compost before you do a transfer.
4. After your first batch, continue to cycle the waste through the unit
this way. After transferring compost to the cure tray, fill mixing
chamber at least 3/4 full with waste.
Helpful Tips During Initial Set-Up:
1. Keep the unit in the High setting.
2. The first batch that you produce may be a little wet and smell, but
after the first batch, things should get better as the cultures start to
3. Sometimes, our motor will want to activate/rotate when our items
are fresh and were just thrown in. To stop rotating motor, press
“Transfer” button twice. This will resume normal heating operations.