CR-200 / CR-100 USB Ver. 2-3 - Installation and User Guide
3.3.4 Entering the COM port number
(CR-100 USB)
Start up the PC software and open ‘Configuration / Software’ from the menu (right click
on the symbol in the task bar).
In ‘Settings’, click on the ‘General’ tab and under ‘COM Port’ in the ‘USB interface’
section enter your CR-100 USB unit’s COM port number, as ascertained from the
Windows control panel (see section 3.3.3).
‘General’ tab:
Now you can make the first recordings with your CR-100 USB (continue with section 4).
Later, you can also make further settings and use your CR-100 USB unit’s other
functions (see section 7.1).
Under ‘Security’ you can enter a password for the ‘lock menu’ function.
The ‘Enable logfile entries’ makes it possible to keep a record of internal
programme processes in a log file. This feature can be helpful in analysing faults if any
functional problems arise and you should therefore enable it if asked to do so by
technical support. The log file created in this way can then be found in the programme
installation’s ‘Log’ sub-directory.