The length of each period is determined by the rate of change and the required change in gain.
For more intuitive operation, a compressor's attack and release controls are labeled as
milliseconds. This is the amount of time it will take for the gain to change a set amount of dB.
The release has also an “Auto Realease” mode that predicts the amout of realse that might be
needed for the material. Try to experiment with the auto release and with manual relase as
sometimes the manual setting can give the special e
ect that you will be looking for.
Dry/Wet knob
The Dry/Wet knob allows you to mix between the compressed signal and the original. Thanks to
that you can use higher compression rates and mix back the original signal to keep it more
natural. This is actually the secret to New Your style compression.
Makeup gain knob/Solo Button
Because the compressor is reducing the gain (or level) of the signal, you can ad additional gian at
the output of the compressor. The Make up gain knob serves also as a solo button in Unlink
mode. Wether you are in dual mono or M/S mode you can audtition channel 1(or M) or channel 2
(or S).
One of the most special thigs about C502V is the option to select a mod of the compressor. This
means that by changing the Mode you change the whole character of the compressor as If you
would just change to another hardware. What’s more is that you can choose a di
erent mode for
every channel and even choose a di
erent mode for M and S signal.
This is our original approach to compression. This mode is the smoothest one and has the widest
parameter setting range of all. The attack in this mode ranges form 5 to 250 miliseconds and the
release ranges form ...... to .... miliseconds. This let’s you use it as a fast, almost limiter type
aggresive compressor or a slow, gentle leveler.
This is a mode inspired by a famous buss compressor form a well known british console
manufacturer. The character and all the settings are similar, but you get all additional options as
Dry/Wet, sidechain or unlink. The Attack and Release are more flexible then in the original as you
can set them flunetly oppsed to fixed points. The attack can be also set to twice the value of the
The DX mode is inspired by one of the most famous studio “workhorses”. This mode has a fixed
attack and realase and the original had and the compression is the most aggressive of them all.
Although is agressive, people ten to use it on everything form Vocals to Bass, Drums and Guitars.