Level the fence line as much as possible over a width of about 3 meter and over
the total length: endless undulations make the erecting of the fence very difficult.
Normal ground constitution
Holes can be drilled by means of a drill screwed on an excavator: see dimensions
as indicated on attached shopdrawing.
Sandy ground
Work with precast concrete foundation blocks ( off-site or “in sito” )
Make full slots following the fence line and install the foundation blocks.
Fill up the slot with back fill, gravel or something alike. Level the area in front
(=outside the property) over about 3 meter.
Hard rocky ground
Drill holes with di/- 20 cm, 60 cm deep by means of an adapted widia
drill screwed on an excavator: posts can be shortened.
After putting the postst in the holes fill up the holes with rigid liquid concrete.
In areas where there is water accumulation
Depending on the dept, use longer posts or check the possibility to put the fence
on another track.
Important note:
Take at least one week for hardening of the concrete
Make wet several times a day and protect against sunshine especially
when temperatures are high
We advice to use concrete as dry as possible
Installation Guide Fortinet
December 2019