Install gable on front wall.
Step 7
Set Roof Gables
Install the rear gable on the back wall. The gable siding will extend over the 1x4 trim on
the lower wall. NOT behind the trim! Secure gable to wall by nailing through the gable
plate with 10d sinkers. Nail siding along the 1x4 trim board with 6d galv. nails.
Gable Siding
1x4 Trim
Bottom Edge of Gable Siding
Install the 2x4s, removed from the shipping pallet, as tie plates on the sidewalls. Install a
long 2x4 in the center of the wall overlapping where the side walls butt together. Cut shorter
2x4s to fit between the center 2x4 and the gable.
Repeat to install tie plates on the opposite side.
Long 2x4 Tie Plate
Short 2x4 Tie Plate