Install gable siding using 6d galv. nails across
the top of the gable frame. Use 8d galv. nails
along the bottom edge. See Note Below.
Tongue Edge
LAP Edge
Step 3
Install Siding on Gables
Select one of the gable frames, Turn the gable over letting the bottom plate overhang
the floor so the gable lays flat.
Install Siding on Ends
Siding Extends 3/4"
Below Bottom Plate
Install siding on the other gable frame.
The siding is made in 4x8 sheets with grooves
cut into the face, the long edge is beveled so
that the siding overlays where they butt.
To identify which edge we want you to use, we
will refer to the edge as either the 'LAP' Edge
or the Tongue Edge. Nail siding with 8d
galvanized box nails spaced 8" apart.
Exterior Siding