Thank you for purchasing a Spooky Radionics machine. Spooky Radionics has been
designed to be used with the Spooky² Rife therapy system.
The aim of Spooky Radionics is to be an affordable entry level radionics device to be used
by beginners and experts alike. There are a number of radionic systems on the market, but
there is a genuine lack of affordable Instruments. This prevents many people from
exploring the practice of radionics and experiencing all the rewards it can offer.
Radionics from it's early days of Abrams and Drown has been primarily used as a healing
tool for both diagnostics and treatment. The term Radionics is derived from Radiation and
to put simply electronics. It is essentially the science and technology of natural and
biological radiations.
At the point of it's inception, radionics was an off shoot of electrotherapy, and relied solely
on physical patient contact with electrodes to diagnose and balance the patient.
Shortly after this point Abrams discovered that he could achieve similar effects just by
placing a biological ”DNA” sample of the patient in the specimen well, and treat them from
any distance. Following the wide spread use of Radio the term broadcasting was coined to
reflect the similar communication over distance by unseen means.
For diagnosis Radionics primarily relies on radiesthesia either via the use of a pendulum or
similar dowsing implement, or the general radionics stick pad, also know as a rubbing
plate, or reactor plate. It is from analysing a sample, tuning in the dials and checking for a
reaction that rates are determined.
Rates are radionics terminology for a set of specific numbers that correspond to a position
on the tuning dials. There are a number of rate systems from Base 10, Base 44, Base 100
Etc. Spooky Radionics uses the most common Base 10. The base number simply refers to
the number of positions and digits a given dial has.
It is worth noting that the term frequency rate is often used, but it should also be
highlighted that a radionic rate is not the same as the Hertizian frequency that Rife
systems use. Radionics is a non physical discipline, while the Hertizian frequencies will
target physical aspects.
Radionics treats the non physical, subtle, or energy body. It is used as part of a holistic
healing approach and should not be solely relied upon. While many beneficial and
seemingly miraculous effects have been observed with radionics it is always worthwhile
conducting multiple therapy approaches to compliment your healing practice.