Schematics and board layouts of our instruments remain the exclusive property of Bergoz
Instrumentation at all times. They are protected by the copyright laws.
Schematics and board layouts are not delivered with our instruments. They can be obtained at the
specific request of the instrument’s user.
A request should be sent by fax, worded in the following way:
To: Bergoz Instrumentation
From: *User's name*
Date: *****
I am a user of instrument type xxx-xxx serial nr. xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx, etc.
Please send me one copy of the corresponding schematics and board layout.
I will use it for the instrument’s maintenance only.
I will make copies only for my own use.
I will inform others who need these schematics that they should request them from Bergoz
Signed: xxxxxxx
Many of the important –even fundamental– features of our BPM module were developed by John
W. Bittner and Richard W. Biscardi for the National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven
National Laboratory. U.S. Patent 5,001,416 was granted to them on March 19, 1991. We
sincerely thank them for their considerable contribution.
Our BPM module was developed on the basis of Jim Hinkson’s Precision Analog Signal Processor
for BPMs in Electron Storage Rings, designed for the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory. His invaluable advise during the development of the industrialized
version have decisively contributed to the quality of the present instrument.
We thank him very sincerely.
Crozet, July 1996 (last revised: Saint Genis Pouilly, December 1999)
BERGOZ Instrumentation
01630 Saint Genis Pouilly, France
Beam Position Monitor
Tel. +33-450.426.642
Fax +33-450.426.643
Page 34
User’s manual
BERGOZ Instrumentation - 01630 Saint Genis Pouilly, France - Tel.: +33-450.426.642 - Fax: +33-450.426.643
TVA-VAT-IVA-USt. Nº FR88414997130 - Sàrl. capital 152K - Siren 414 997 130 R.C.S. Bourg - APE 332B