STANDARD Communication Protocol
This manual provides information on the STANDARD communication protocol. The publication is
not intended for general use, but for qualifi ed technicians.
This term indicates a professional and skilled technician, authorised to act in accordance with the
safety standards relating to the dangers posed by electric current.
This person must also have basic fi rst-aid training and be in possession of suitable Personal
Protective Equipment.
It is strictly forbidden, for anyone who does not have the above-mentioned
features, to install or use the device.
The device is made in compliance with the European Union directives in force, as well as in com-
pliance with the technical standards implementing these requirements, as certifi ed by the CE mark
on the device and in this manual.
It is strictly forbidden to use the instrument for purposes other than those intended, which can be
deduced from the manual content.
The Manufacturer reserves the right to make changes on the device or in the device specifi cations
identifi ed in this manual without notice.
The Manufacturer declines all liability for any use of the instrument which is different from that
described in this manual and in the instrument manual, or for the lack/incorrect application of the
reported instructions.
The information, contained in this manual, may not be divulged to third parties. Any copy of this
manual, either partial or total, by photocopying, or by other means, also electronically, without
written authorization from the Manufacturer, violates the copyright and is punishable by law.
The information contained in this document is believed to be accurate at the time of publication,
however, the Manufacturer assumes no responsability for any errors which may appear here and
reserves the right to make changes without notice.
Any brands mentioned in the publication are property of their respective owners.