Systems 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13:
The collector pump is enabled if collector
temperature exceeds the pump enabling tem-
perature set here.
41 Disable collector temperature
System 2, 9: No function
System 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13:
The pump is stopped if the collector tem-
perature is less than the disable temperature.
Functions 40-41 prevent the pump being
switched on when very little heat is being
42 Maximum collector temperature
System 2, 9: No function
Systems 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13:
The collector pumps are stopped when the
corresponding temperature exceeds the safe-
ty limit value set here -> System protection.
The pumps are enabled again when the tem-
perature falls below the maximum collector
temperature [P42] -10°C.
43 Enable auxiliary heater temperature
Systems 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13:
No function
Systems 2, 3, 9:
The corresponding pump is enabled if the
auxiliary heater temperature (system 2 = F1,
system 3 = F2) exceeds the limit set here by
5°C. The pump is disabled when the heater
temperature exceeds the enable temperature.
This function allows the heater to reach its
operating temperature.
44 Maximum boiler temperature
Systems 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13:
No function
Systems 2, 3, 9:
The circulating pump on the solid fuel boiler is
disabled when the boiler temperature exceeds
the limit set here -> System protection.
The pump is enabled when the temperature is
10°C below the value set.
45 Collector protection temperature
System 2, 9: No function
System 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13:
The collector protection function is designed
to protect the collector from overheating.
The function is activated when the maximum
collector temperature exceeds the collector
protection temperature P45 set here.
If the collector temperature F1 or F2 exceeds
the set collector protection temperature [P45],
and if the storage cylinder temperature is less
than 92°C, the storage cylinder is filled above
its maximum temperature of 95°C, so as to
cool the collector.
The function is stopped when the collector
exceeds its maximum temperature [P42].
The function is enabled again when the col-
lector temperature is below the temperature
[P42] -3°C.
46 Switching threshold for storage cylinder
P46 = 0 -> no storage cylinder cooling
P46 > 0 -> storage cylinder cooling active
If during the day the collector protection func-
tion has filled the storage cylinders above
the maximum temperatures P50 and P51, by
activating this function the storage cylinder
can automatically be cooled at night between
1:00 and 6:00 by activating the fill pumps until
reaching the maximum temperature set for the
storage cylinders P50/P51. During this period,
the storage cylinders cannot be filled by any
other functions. This function is designed to
protect the storage cylinder.
Cooling can only occur when the storage
cylinder temperature exceeds the collector
temperature by at least the switching thresh-
old [P46] +3°C.
47 Set temperature for central heating
Only when the special central heating function
is selected.
The additional heating device (A2/A3) is ena-
bled when the temperature at the top of the
storage cylinder (F3/F5) is lower than the limit
set here by [P34]. It is disabled when the tem-
perature of the storage cylinder exceeds the
enable temperature.
If solar heating performance is higher, the
heating device is enabled when the storage
cylinder temperature is [P47] - [P34] - [P52].
50 Maximum storage cylinder temperature
If the storage cylinder is fitted with a top
probe (F3), then the maximum tempera-
ture is monitored by this probe. If this
probe is not installed, then the maxi-
mum storage cylinder temperature is
monitored using probe F4. In this case,
stratification inside the storage cylinder
needs to be taken into consideration.
Systems 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13:
The circulating pumps are disabled if the
temperature in storage cylinder 1 exceeds the
safety limit value set here to protect the system.
The pumps are enabled when the temperature
falls below the temperature set [maximum stor-
age cylinder temperature – 5°C].
System 2, 5, 6:
For these systems, storage cylinder 2 can
also be filled.