Nylon shear pin is probably broken. Replace shear pin (for identification,
see parts list "Snowblower").
The reduction chain is broken or the
connecting link is unlocked.
Remove both chain guards. Inspect
& repair chain if needed (for
identification, see parts list
Fan stops turning.
Shear bolt is probably broken.
R e p l a c e s h e a r b o l t ( f o r
identification, see parts list
Snowblower stops turning.
One of the two belts is probably
damaged or broken.
Check both belts and replace
damaged belt(s) (for instructions,
see Belt Replacement section).
Belt has burn marks in specific
Lack of tension on belt.
Snowblower engaged when
Adjust manual clutch cable or
replace springs if stretched.
Make sure the auger & the fan are
not frozen or plugged before
Chute plugs easily.
Tractor engine turning too slowly.
Advancing too quickly with tractor.
Run engine at full throttle during
snowblowing operation.
Allow snowblower to ingest snow at
its own speed.
Chute rotation is difficult.
Dirt or ice may be underneath
Dismount chute by removing the
rotation worm (for identification, see
parts list "Chute with Rotation
S y s t e m " ) . T u r n t h e c h u t e
completely towards the rear and it
will disconnect from base. Clean the
base of chute and the rotation ring.
Lubricate & re-install.
Auger stops turning.