Note : That some of the measurements may be skipped if the rotation speed
ramps too fast. To measure a start up process, set the Stop RPM greater then
the Start RPM. For a coast down process, the Start RPM must be greater
than the Stop RPM.
Armed by Time Step :
When the user chooses “Armed by Time Step”, the
program takes measurements according to the predefined time step.
No. of counts :
Define the total number of measurements
Stop by :
Count No. :
The measurement stops as the number of counts reaches the
defined number.
Manual :
The measurement stops only when the user pressed Stop button.
Delta Second :
Define the span of time between each measurement.
4.19 Navigating the Display of Waterfall Plot
Because the File and Setup menus in waterfall mode is the same as that of
Single Block mode, please reference to the previous discussion. In this
paragraph we will describe how to navigate the display of waterfall plot from
the Display Menu.