11/ 2014
- Storage temperature: The BENNING CM 11 can be stored at temperatures between - 10 °C
and + 60 °C, at a relative air humidity lower than 80 % without batteries.
7. Electrical specifications
Note: The measuring precision is specified as the sum of
- a relative fraction of the measured value and
- a number of digits (counting steps of the least significant digit).
This specified measuring precision is valid for temperatures in the range from 23 °C ± 5 °C and
relative humidity less than 80 %.
7.1 DC voltage range
The input resistance is ≥ 1 MΩ.
Measuring range
Measurement accuracy
Overload protection
50.00 V
0.01 V
± (1 % of r 2 digits)
400 V AC/DC
300.0 V
0.1 V
± (1 % of r 2 digits)
400 V AC/DC
7.2 AC voltage range
The measured value is obtained and displayed as real r.m.s. value (True RMS, AC coupling).
Its calibration is adapted to sinusoidal curves. In case of deviations from this curve shape, the
accuracy of the displayed value decreases.
Crest factor < 2.0 up to 100 % of the final measuring range value
Crest factor < 4.0 up to 50 % of the final measuring range value
The input resistance is ≥ 1 MΩ.
Measuring range
Measurement accuracy (40 Hz - 1 kHz) Overload protection
50.00 V
0.01 V
± (1.2 % of r 5 digits)
400 V AC/DC
300.0 V
0.1 V
± (1.2 % of r 5 digits)
400 V AC/DC
7.3 DC current range
Measuring range
Measurement accuracy
Overload protection
300.0 mA
0.1 mA
± (1.0 % of r 10 digits)
100 A AC/DC
3.000 A
0.001 A
± (1.0 % of r 10 digits)
100 A AC/DC
10.00 A
0.01 A
± (3.0 % of r 10 digits)
100 A AC/DC
Influence of geomagnetism: < ± 1.0 mA
Influence of opening and closing the measuring clamp: < ± 1.0 mA
7.4 AC current range
The measured value is obtained and displayed as real r.m.s. value (True RMS, AC coupling).
Its calibration is adapted to sinusoidal curves. In case of deviations from this curve shape, the
accuracy of the displayed value decreases.
Crest factor < 2.0 up to 100 % of the final measuring range value
Crest factor < 4.0 up to 50 % of the final measuring range value
Measuring range
Measurement accuracy (50 Hz - 60 Hz) Overload protection
300.0 mA
0.1 mA
± (1.0 % of r 5 digits)
100 A AC/DC
3.000 A
0.001 A
± (1.0 % of r 5 digits)
100 A AC/DC
20.00 A
0.01 A
± (1.0 % of r 5 digits)
100 A AC/DC
7.5 Resistance range
Open circuit-voltage: approx. 3 V, max. testing current 1 mA
Measuring range
Measurement accuracy (50 Hz - 60 Hz) Overload protection
500.0 Ω
0.1 Ω
± (1 % of r 2 digits)
400 V AC/DC
5.000 kΩ
1 Ω
± (1 % of r 2 digits)
400 V AC/DC
50.00 kΩ
10 Ω
± (1 % of r 2 digits)
400 V AC/DC
500.0 kΩ
100 Ω
± (1 % of r 2 digits)
400 V AC/DC