Benezan Electronics Installation Guide for Beamicon2Basic
Hardware and software development and
the MDLCNC-T4V6 driver
Nicolas Benezan, Stauffenbergstr. 26, 72108 Rottenburg
(Vereinigte Staaten).docx
Note: If you have NOT purchased the Micropod in combination with a power amplifier
MDLCNC, you will have to make a firmware update of the Micropod to ensure correct
function. The firmware update is very easy and described in the Beamicon2 software
Benezan_V131_Letmathe.binary" and follow the instructions.
The assignment of the inputs and outputs is done in the Beamicon2Basic software. The
installation and operation of the software as well as the setting of the machine parameters is
described in detail in the Beamicon2Basic software manuals. Therefore only the special
features of the MicroPod will be discussed here. The easiest way of configuration is to select
the default parameter set "
Default_MicroPod MDLCNC
" when starting the software for the
first time. Then you do not have to make all settings again, but only enter the deviations from
the standard values. You can also load the default values later by selecting "File -> Import
settings" from the menu and clicking "Default parameters".
After the first start, the MicroPod must first be connected. If the hardware dialog does not
open automatically, you can do this in the menu under "Configuration -> Hardware". Select
the module and then click on "connect" and "save".
The step and direction signals for up to 4 axes are automatically assigned to pins 2 to 9 of
the SUBD connector for LPT1. No settings need to be made for this. In particular, there is no
need to set a pulse time, as the step signal always has a 50% duty cycle. The direction of
movement can be reversed in the machine parameters (Menu -> Configuration -> Machine)
on the "Axis Parameters" page with the "Inverted direction" button.
For the assignment of the signals switch to the page "Inputs/Outputs". Actually all
outputs/inputs including the FI module are already set. Only if the reference switch of the 4th
axis is not needed, it can be assigned to a 3D probe or tool length sensor, for example.
The following inputs/outputs are permanently assigned and cannot be changed:-LPT1 Pin 11
is permanently reserved for the emergency stop input.-The PWM output can only be
assigned to either LPT1 pin 1 or LPT1 pin 17.-The step/direction outputs cannot be changed.
Input signals can be used multiple times if required. For example, the same switch input can
be used simultaneously as a reference and limit switch.
In contrast to inputs, output signals cannot be inverted (active low/hi) because otherwise the
safe off state would not be defined.
If the number of available outputs or inputs is not sufficient for the application, they can be
expanded as desired with an I/O-Ext expansion module from Benezan-Electronics.