Operation Manual
EL640.400-C2, -C3 and -
CD3 Display
Beneq Products Oy
Olarinluoma 9
Tel. +358 9 7599 530
VAT ID FI25115461
FI-02200 Espoo
Fax +358 9 7599 5310
Date: September 23, 2014
Document number: ED000821B
Page | 11
Display enable
The display can be totally shut off for screen saving or power reduction by a LOW sate in the
ENABLE control input. When disabled, the display stops scanning and only the DC/DC
converter remains functional. The power consumption is only approximately 2W. In normal
operation, the ENABLE input should be pulled HIGH or left disconnected (internal pull-up).
200 rows mode
200 input data rows may be displayed using 400 rows by automatically doubling every data
row to two consecutive display rows. This function is selected by removing the jumper PS2/2
(F2040). The _BLANK input must also be in LOW state. For more information of this mode,
contact Beneq.
Two-bits-parallel data
To reduce the input data frequency in the normal mode, the video data can be input two bits
per clock cycle. The two data inputs are organized so that the data for the odd columns,
numbered from left to the right at the viewer side, is input at the TVID (J1/ pin 7) and the
data for the even columns at VID (J1/ pin 15). The two-bits-parallel mode is selected by
removing the jumper 3 of the pin strip PS2.
Brightness control
The brightness of the display can be adjusted (approximately between 10% and 100%) by an
external 50 kΩ logarithmic potentiometer between the LUMPOT1 and LUMPOT 2 inputs
(J3/pins 1 and 2). The control function is done by feeding a small DC current signal via the
external potentiometer from LUMPOT1 (+5 V reference voltage) to LUMPOT2. If the two
inputs are left disconnected, the brightness is at its maximum level.
The operation of the display can be easily checked without any external signals using the
self-test function.
Remove the jumper 1 in the pin stripe PS2.
Connect power to the display.
All the pixels of the display will be lit with the exception of the first half of the topmost row.