3.3.7 History memory
All warnings, alarms and device errors including "Come", "Go" and "Acknowledgement"
timestamps are stored in the internal history memory.
The history data are copied from the internal EEPROM to the History.csv file on the μSD
card under the following conditions:
After device start-up
During operation once per hour
When a compatible μSD card has been inserted
For the evaluation of the history memory, the Excel tool "iso1685 History.xlsx" can be
made available. This tool allows csv.-file data to be processed and evaluated. By way of
example, history memory entries are shown on
The tool includes detailed information about the use.
3.4 Self test
3.4.1 Self test after connection to the supply voltage
Once connected to the supply voltage, all internal measurement functions, the compo-
nents of the process control such as data and parameter memory as well as the connec-
tions to earth are checked. Once the self test is finished, after approx. 5 s the normal
measurement mode begins.
If a device error or a connection fault is detected, the corresponding alarm will be sig-
nalled via the CAN and the RS-485 interface as well as via the alarm relay K3 (31-32-34).
This relay continuously operates in N/C operation, i.e. it de-energises even in case of a
complete device failure. During this self test, when the device is being started, the alarm
relays K1 and K2 are not switched.
3.4.2 Automatic self test
All supply voltages are continuously monitored.
The following tests are continuously carried out in the background:
Connection E-KE
System polarity
Temperature measurement
Measuring voltage generator
3.4.3 Manual self test
The self test is started via the CAN or RS-485 interface by a Modbus or BMS master with
the test button or by any CAN bus device.
Only in the manual self test mode (via the CAN or RS-485 interface), the following tests
can be carried out:
Internal Flash
Internal RAM
CPU register
Function of the Iso measurement technique
Restart of the device including re-initialising and recalibration (only when the test is
requested via RS-485 interface)
Manual self test via the RS-485 interface
During the manual self test via the RS-485 interface, the alarm relays K1 (11-12-14) and K2
(21-22-24) are
. K3 is only shortly switched
after a device restart
Manual self test via CAN bus
isoPV1685RTU and isoPV1685P:
During the insulation fault measurement test, the alarm relay
(11-12-14) and the
alarm relay
(21-22-24) are
. K3
be switched.
Once a month, carry out a manual self test via the CAN or RS-485 interface
to ensure that the device functions correctly!