Controls and Features
To turn XR70 on or off, press the PWR
button located on the top. When you turn
XR70 on, it goes through a sequence of
If you prefer, you may program your
XR70 for a shorter power-on sequence. See
the Programming section for details.
Press and hold the Volume/Mute button
located on the top case to adjust the XR70’s
alert volume level. The audio will ramp up
and down, accompanied by a bar-graph on
the display. Once you’ve reached your
preferred audio level, simply release the
PPoowweerr-oonn iinnddiiccaattiioonn
After XR70’s start-up sequence is complete,
the alphanumeric display will show
Highway, AutoScan, or City to indicate
which sensitivity mode is selected.
If you prefer, you can select alternate
power-on displays. See the Programming
section for details.
VVooiiccee AAlleerrttss
The XR70 provides digital voice announce-
ments of radar and laser bands detected. As
Safety Radar (SWS) is turned on, a safety
radar message will also be announced. See
the Programming section for details.
If you prefer, you can select turn Voice
Alerts off. See the Programming section for
Your XR70 has our patented AutoMute
feature. After XR70 alerts you to a radar
encounter at the volume you have selected,
the AutoMute feature will automatically
reduce the volume to a lower level. This
keeps you informed without the annoyance
of a continuous full-volume alert.
If you prefer, you can turn the
AutoMute feature off. See the Programming
section for details.
The Mute button, located on XR70’s top
case, allows you to silence the audio alert
during a radar encounter.
To mute the audio for a single specific
signal, briefly press the Mute button. After
that radar encounter has passed, the mute
will automatically reset and the audio will
alert you to the next encounter.
HHiigghhwwaayy // AAuuttooSSccaann // CCiittyy BBuuttttoonn
The City button selects XR70’s sensitivity
mode. We recommend the Highway mode
for most driving.
• Highway Mode maintains full sensitivity
on all selected bands. Giving the greatest
• AutoScan mode provides long-range
warning, with minimum false alarms. In this
mode, XR70’s internal computer continu-
ously analyzes all incoming signals and
intelligently filters out false alarms.
• City Mode only affects X band enabled
detectors, so is therefore redundant on the
XR70’s BRT button selects the brightness of
XR70’s display. There are four settings:
Maximum, Medium, Minimum, and Dark.
Press the BRT button to select your
preferred brightness.
If you prefer, you can have XR70
always turn on at a specific brightness. See
the Programming section for details.
DDaarrkk MMooddee
When you select the Dark mode with the
BRT switch, XR70 changes to a very
inconspicuous power-on indication: a very
Dim AD, HD, or CD. (In this display, the A,
H, or C indicates Auto, Highway, or City,
and the D indicates Dark.)
When XR70 is in the Dark mode, the
display will not show visual alerts when
XR70 detects signals. Only the audible alert
will tell you of detected signals.
If you prefer, you can have XR70’s
display totally dark (see the Programming
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