Ask others to talk slowly and clearly. Talking louder does not help.
If your instrument is equipped with a Dual Microphone System,
select the directional listening program. Read more on this on page
6. Visit public buildings
Visit public buildings. Try to sit near the speaker; try to be seated in
the front rows in a show. Avoid a seat behind a pillar or in an alcove,
you will be in a ‘sound shadow.’
In a restaurant, sit with your back towards the wall. This avoids
disturbing noises coming from behind you.
Some public buildings have an inductive loop system. In these
buildings use your telecoil program, if activated. However, not every
position in the building will have good sound reception. Watch for
signs at the location or try a different seat.
7. Use your telephone
Often, you can hear the telephone clearly with your hearing instru-
ment in the microphone program. Hold the telephone handset 1
inch (2-3cm) from your ear and tilt the receiver outwards a little.
See whether or not the telephone sounds better if you switch your
hearing instrument to the telecoil program. Read about this on page
Your hearing instrument meets strict international regulations.
Therefore, it should be possible to use a GSM telephone in most
cases. However, in some circumstances, disturbance might be
audible through your hearing instrument.