CRM-220 Fastrack Guide Version 2.0
CRM-220 Fast Track Guide
Connevans recommend using rechargeable nickel metal hydride
batteries. However, if you wish to try out your new CRM-220
immediately, you can alternatively use alkaline PP3 batteries.
Fitting batteries
To fit a battery, slide open the battery cover, insert as shown.
Although there is a battery polarity label in the CRM-220
between you and me you can actually fit the battery either way
around and it will still work!
Rechargeable nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries
New rechargeable batteries require charging before use, the
charger recommended by Connevans is an intelligent quad
charger (Part no. 22684).
Plug in the batteries to be charged. New batteries will need
a firm push into the charger – we would suggest using the
flat of the hand. Try lifting the battery a little, if it comes
straight out it was not pushed in properly.
Instructions for using the quad charger
are simply:
a) Insert battery
b) don’t touch ‘mode’ button
c) battery is charged when display
shows ‘RDY’.
The performance of the CRM-220 is the same
whatever type of battery is used.
Part 1
Page 33 – CRM-220 User Guide
This Fast Track Guide takes you through the basic steps required to get your
CRM-220 working.