Doc 0256680 rev L
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Replacing Filter in 3 pin Receiver Tube (SF 2 B shown)
If a dome is mounted, remove it before starting replace the wax guard/filter. Remove the used filter:
Carrying box with 8 pcs wax
guard tools
Insert the removal tip of the tool
into the used filter so that the shaft
touches the rim of the filter
Slowly pull the filter straight out
Insert the replacement tip of the
tool into the sound outlet
The wax guard tool has two functions: A removal tip to collect the used filter as shown above, and a replacement tip with
a white filter. To insert the new wax filters, follow these steps:
Gently press the replacement
tip straight into the sound outlet
until the outer ring lies flush with
the sound outlet
Pull the tool straight out - the new
filter will remain in place.Re-attach
the dome, or a fresh dome