Matching The Breaker To The Power Pack
Restrictor / Fitting Identifi cation
The tank Restrictors / Fittings can be identifi ed by using this simple procedure.
Check your Breaker and identify the P and T side of the body by looking for a
letter stamp on the large bung. This can be found on the side of the Breaker as
shown in the diagram. This stamp also corresponds to the Restrictor / Fitting on
the same side of the Breaker
For example: In the image the bung on the left hand side of the Breaker is clearly
stamped with the letter P, so the fi tting on the left hand side will be the Pressure
Line and the right hand side will be the Tank / Return Line.
P = Pressure side of the Breaker
T = Tank / Return side of the Breaker
Oil Flow Rate
EHTMA Category
Part Number
Restrictor Size
20 Ltrs/Min
Delivered with the Breaker (Loose)
30 Ltrs/Min
No Restrictor (Open)
Fitted onto the Breaker
Replacing The Restrictor
1. Disconnect the Breaker from the Power Pack.
2. Fix the Breaker in vertical position to a vice or in another way so that the Breaker is fi xed.
Do not place it on the Nose Section because the Breaker can tilt.
3. Remove the Tank Line Hose, leaving the Restrictor / Fitting in the Breaker body. Remember to have an oil pan ready to take the oil
spill from the Breaker. Drain the oil from the T-Hose into the oil pan.
4. Loosen the Restrictor on the Breaker. Remember to have an oil pan ready to take the oil spill from the Breaker.
5. Remove the Seal from the old Fitting / Restrictor. Fit the new Restrictor using the existing Seal, ensuring that the internal Allen Key
head in the Restrictor is fi tted into the Breaker body fi rst. Tighten to a Torque Setting of 90±2 Nm.
6. Refi t the Hose and tighten to a Torque Setting of 50±2 Nm.
7. Reconnect the Breaker to Power Pack and check it for leakage.
When the Breaker is modifi ed to another oil fl ow rate, do not connect a Power Pack with higher oil fl ow rate.
We recommend that the EHTMA Label on the Breaker is changed to Category C (Green) (Supplied loose with Breaker)), if Restrictor
(971/99061) is fi tted. Section A of the Serial Plate (See ‘Machine Description’ section) should also be amended.
Connecting the Breaker to a higher oil fl ow rate may cause damaged to the Power Pack or to the Breaker.
DO NOT attempt to change the Restrictor immediately after use as the Hydraulic Oil will be hot.
Bung (P)
Fitting (P)
Restrictor /
Fitting (T)
At delivery, the Breaker is intended for an oil fl ow of 30 Ltrs/Min (E.H.T.M.A. Category D). If the Breaker is to be connected to a
Hydraulic Power Pack with an Oil Flow of 20 Ltrs/Min (E.H.T.M.A. Category C) the Restrictor / Fitting of the tank line (T) must be
replaced:- See Item 6 of ‘Machine Description’ section.
Restrictors / Fittings
You must only ever change the TANK Line Restrictor / Fitting as you may cause harm to your Breaker
and Power Pack if the PRESSURE Line Fitting is changed.