Powered Mixers
B Series
Thank you for purchasing a BELL product.
Your new Powered Mixer is well suited to a
number of applications in the sound reinforcement
The transducers you use on either end of the mixer:
the microphones or instruments - as well as the
loudspeakers - will have a pronounced effect on
the sound of your entire system.
A large part of the equalization circuitry of your
mixer will most likely be used to compensate for
microphone- & speaker response in whatever room
you happen to be.
Hearing is everything in sound reinforce-ment.
Visual references are minimal, and Murphy’s Law
means, that the textbook theory will never apply to
your specific situation. The people in the band
need to hear their music differently. The drummer,
for example, might want to hear a lot more bass
than the keyboard player.
The audience desires an overall, blended sound,
with lead vocals and solos in the foreground.
Speakers require a reinforcement system that
allows them to unfold their vocal skills.
BELL offers a wide range of loudspeaker systems
and power amplifiers which have been specifically
designed for use in high quality sound
reinforcement systems.
Call in you local main dealer for a full
demonstration now.